IISL Talk “The changing role of judiciary in a modern democracy”

Talk given on 9 February at 13:30, organized by the Oñati Institute.

Delivered by Nina Bete􀆩o, President of the Council of Europe’s Consulta􀆟ve Council of European Judges (CCJE) and Judge of the Slovenian Supreme Court.

The talk is linked to the the course offered by Prof. Stefanie Lemke on Judicial independence and the protection of human rights at the International Master’s in Sociology of Law.

For details, see the IISL official website.

OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Pierre Guibentif (February 3, 2021). IISL Talk “The changing role of judiciary in a modern democracy”. Sociology of Law in the World. Retrieved December 9, 2024 from https://doi.org/10.58079/taap