RCSL at the Virtual IV ISA Forum Porto Alegre

Here is an updated information on the online ISA meeting which starts on Tuesday 23rd of February).

Link to the program  https://www.isa-sociology.org/en/conferences/forum/porto-alegre-2021

You can check the RSCL sessions on the program (it takes some seconds).

You can still register for a limited fee as attendee: indeed, for those of you who won’t present a paper, the ISA has set up an “attendees” registration that will allow you to access any of these 800+ panels for a reduced cost of 25 USD (students) / 50 USD (full rate). https://isaconf.confex.com/isaconf/forum2020/registration/call.cgi

To view the Zoom sessions during the meeting and to access prerecorded content, you must Sign In with your email address and registration ID. If you have any difficulty doing this, please email isaconf@confex.com.

To join a session, click on the “Join Now” button which will automatically display beginning 20 minutes before the start of a session.”

For those of us who are registered: Don´t forget our RCSL business meeting on Friday 26 February 2021 14.15-15.45 Brazilian time and 18:15 – 19:45 . (German time) (If you check the program calendar the website will give you your local time. Ulrike Schultz, President of RCSL, will chair the session.

OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Pierre Guibentif (February 23, 2021). RCSL at the Virtual IV ISA Forum Porto Alegre. Sociology of Law in the World. Retrieved February 18, 2025 from https://doi.org/10.58079/taaq