Podgórecki Prize


The ISA Research Committee on the Sociology of Law established the Podgórecki Prize in 2004, to honour the memory of Adam Podgórecki, the founding father of RCSL and a leading figure within the international sociological community.

A jury of RCSL, chosen by the RCSL President, awards the prize annually for outstanding achievements in socio-legal research, in alternate years for either distinguished and outstanding lifetime achievements, or outstanding scholarship of a socio-legal researcher at an earlier stage of his or her career.

The prize for lifetime achievements will be awarded as an honorary prize, symbolised by a commemorative certificate, to honour outstanding and exemplary colleagues who have produced guiding and inspiring work. The prize for emerging socio-legal scholars will be a commemorative certificate and two times RCSL 4 years membership free, to honour and encourage colleagues that have yet to leave a mark on the international level of production of socio-legal research but who have published one or more significant works within no later than 10 year of his or her doctorate (date of reference 1 January of the first year).

See also the pages Current Call and History and Podgórecki Prize rules.


This page last updated 20 May 2024