Podgòrecki Prize 2014: Iker Barbero

Winner of the Adam Podgòrecki Prize 2014 is Iker Barbero.

Since October 2013 Lecturer in Fundamental Rights, Parlamentary System and Authonomic Law at the Faculty of Law, Universidad del País Vasco-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Visiting Scholar (2011-2014) at the Centre for Citizenship, Identities and Governance (CCIG), The Open University (UK)

Former student of the International Master’s Programme of the International Institute of Sociology of Law of Oñati (2004)

Research Lines: Sociology of Law, Citizenship, Social Movements, Transnational migrations and Law, Crisis, precarity, austerity

Short selection of publication:
Globalización, Estado y Ciudadanía: Un análisis socio-jurídico del Movimiento sinpapeles, Tirant lo Blanch, 2012;
“Expanding acts of citizenship: The struggles of sinpapeles migrants”,
Social and Legal Studies
21 (4) 2012: 529-547;
¿Puede la Gobernanza de Las Migraciones Ser Social? (Can the Governance of Migrations be Social?)Oñati Socio-Legal Series, Vol. 2, Nº. 4, 2012: 175-195.

(Source: official CV)

The Jury was composed by Arvind Agrawal, Gisálio Cerqueira Filho and Masayuki Murayama.

This page last updated 22 July 2014